Our Voices Matter Podcast

How Quitting Alcohol Saved His Life and Disrupted an Industry - Danny Frounfelkner

Linda Lorelle

Since we first introduced you to Sipple and its co-founder, Danny Frounfelkner, the Houston-based company has hit next level status. At least from my humble perspective as a customer.

Like many of you, I am participating in Dry January, which necessitated a recent shopping trip to my favorite non-alcoholic bottle shop.

The place was packed. First timers. Regulars. All of us browsing bulging shelves decked out with new offerings, reflecting the growth of this booming multi-billion dollar industry.

We’re not talking Shirley Temples (look it up, GenZ and Millennials).

We’re talking sophisticated cocktails, minus the alcohol, that make it taste, look and feel like you’re “drinking”.

Alcohol Culture

Alcohol is everywhere in our culture.

Those who choose not to drink, for whatever reason, are sometimes made to feel like “the other.”

Danny knows that feeling all too well. Which is part of the reason he and his wife, Helenita, launched Sipple during the pandemic.

They are determined to change the narrative from — “why aren’t you drinking?” to “what are you drinking?” — and their trademarked phrase, “what are you drinking today for tomorrow?”

During our conversation, Danny goes deep to illustrate the simple mindset shift borne of his personal experience and complicated journey with alcohol — including 20+ years playing multiple roles in the beverage and spirits industry.

Dry January

What better time to revisit this episode than Dry January, to inspire those of us kicking off the new year alcohol-free.

But let me be clear.

Whether you like your cocktails leaded or unleaded, you are welcome here.

This podcast — and Sipple — are judgment-free zones.

And that is the point.


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